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The Results are In: Favorite LDS Hymns

Jun 30, 2018

It wasn’t very scientific… only around 340 responses…and yeah, I only let you choose one!  Totally sadistic. 🙂

There are so many hymns in our current hymnbook that the overall winner garnered only 6% of the vote, and since you only got one choice, many lovely hymns had no votes at all. **sniff**

Here are your top 10 choices for non-Sacrament hymns, i.e., those lovely, general-purpose hymns we use for worship. Click the toggle to listen and for more information. (Mine didn’t make the top 10, did yours? 🙂 )

#1: How Great Thou Art

Hymn #86

I couldn’t resist this men’s chorus version, barbershop style by Vocal Majority, from the 2015 Barbershop Harmony Society Convention. The rendition is beautiful–and some of those faces are priceless.


#2 The Spirit of God

Hymn #2 … is #2 in the hymnbook.  That’s got to be significant somehow. Maybe.

#3 Because I Have Been Give Much

Hymn #219

Here’s a lovely version by Thurl Bailey. Because I love Thurl’s voice. And basketball. 🙂


#4 Be Still My Soul

Hymn #124

#5 Lord, I Would Follow Thee

Hymn #220

#6 Where Can I Turn for Peace?
#129 in the hymnbook.
#7 A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief

Hymn #29

Please make sure you include the very last verse. Every. Time. 😉 

#8 Press Forward, Saints

Hymn #81

Anything with a bunch of alleluias in it is good by me! 

#9 How Firm a Foundation

Hymn #85

I know these recordings are getting a little MoTab-heavy, but … those horns… mmmmmmm.

This less-often-sung verse is one of my favorites:

The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose
I will not, I cannot, desert to his foes
That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake
I’l never, no never, no never forsake.

That verse starts at about 2:40. <3 <3 <3

#10 I Know That My Redeemer Lives

Hymn #136

This one has been sung at many of our family funerals… and probably some in your family too. Such a hopeful, uplifting song.


Now it’s time for Sacrament hymns. (In the LDS Church “Communion” or “The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper” is usually referred to as simply “the Sacrament.”)

Since there are fewer of these, the overall winner took a whopping 27% of the vote, and considering it’s so beautiful, it’s no wonder.

#1 I Stand All Amazed

Hymn #193

#2 As Now We Take the Sacrament

Hymn #169

#3 In Humility, Our Savior

Hymn #172

This hymn is often sung as “Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus” at Christmas time, with words by Charles Wesley.


#4 There Is a Green Hill Far Away
#194 in the hymnbook.
#5 Reverently and Meekly Now
#185 in the hymnbook Here’s a very calm and restful piano rendition:
#6 How Great the Wisdom and the Love
Hymn #195.
#7 With Humble Heart

Hymn #171

#8 Jesus, Once of Humble Birth

Hymn #196

#9 We’ll Sing All Hail to Jesus’ Name

Hymn #182

#10 O Savior, Thou Who Wearest a Crown

Hymn #197

This is some of the most gorgeous poetry in the entire hymnal, but it’s often not sung because the Hassler/Bach setting is difficult for organists and congregations alike.

So there you have it.  If you want the whole list, here’s my raw data as an Excel file (.ods actually… I’m cheap like that).

If you would like the sheet music for the standard hymn setting of any of the above songs, you can see them, listen to them, print them for free, transpose them, learn your part…  whatever your heart desires… here: Hymns at LDS.org. 

With the announcement of a new LDS hymnal (which is probably still some years down the road) I should have made the poll something along the lines of “DON’T YOU DARE REMOVE THIS HYMN FROM THE NEW BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Or maybe, “Can we PLEEEEASE get rid of (Insert Least-Favorite Hymn Title Here).” (On that topic… no way was I going to go that direction!  One person’s least favorite is usually someone else’s favorite, and it’s waaaay to easy to be negative instead of positive.. 🙂 )

In case you’re wondering, the Church music office gets at least two calls a day asking (demanding?) that “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing” be put back in this edition. They’re on it.  🙂

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