The Tragic Demise of Yahoo!Groups

At the time, Yahoo Groups was the place to be; the happening hot-spot on the internet. And it’s how most of you still get my updates.
Nineteen years. **sigh**
As of December they’ve made some really weird changes that make their service basically useless for this site. Soooooo….
The use of Yahoo Groups is being discontinued for site updates.
What this means: To continue to receive updates for this site, you need to use the “Send Me Updates!” form below.
(If you’re already subscribed to my blog, you don’t need to re-subscribe.)
The upside: Only one mailing list for me to update. I will no longer be maintaining two separate mailing lists.ย
The downside: You will have to put up with occasional blog updates. Usually one or two extra e-mails per month–I’m not a prolific blogger–and you can always just hit “delete.”ย (Delete buttons are nice.) I’ll make sure to clearly label new music posts so you know which ones they are.
The bright side: The music is still free. ๐
The bottom line:
If you want to keep receiving updates (and you’re not already a blog subscriber), submit the “Send Me Updates!” form.
Happy New Year!
We are hoping to sing โI will walk with Jesusโ (new 2019 primary song) with a violin and cello. Any chance you could write some music for this? =)
No, I didn’t write that one and I don’t have rights to it. Sorry!
Thank you for your beautiful music that you offer without thought for financial gain!! God bless you as you bless our life!!
Blessed New Year to you. Thank you for sharing your music
As always, I am a devoted fan! On the last Sunday of this month, oure ward’s young men and young women will sing “Love is spoken Here” during our Sacrament meeting. They are shy, hesitant, and I am now meeting with them during the final 10-15 minutes of their Seminary class twice each week. Please pray that I am capable of bringing them out of their shells. They are remarkable youngsters. And thanks for ALL your music and/or arrangements that i have printed off over the years. Please keep my “in the loop!” Love and God Bless!
<3 (Hopefully you're getting updates to this comment!)
THANK YOU for the blessing of your musical talent and your willingness to share it with so many of us who love to listen to it and perform it โฆ. many, like myself, just are not inspired with the capabilities of writing it.
Your song Still Still Still and Silent Night has made my Christmas!!!! I have LOVED playing your arrangement. It is magical and brings the spirit to me. Thank you! Thank yoU!
You’ll never be left by me!!!!! I’ve used your music ever since you started. Love and appreciate you “bunches”. Where’s my Cello music (easy/medium, please) Dorothea
Thank you for making your lovely arrangements available to us for free. I have used them with my trio for a few years.
It is always so fun to say that I was in your ward and that I was lucky enough to have you as a Choir director! Sally, you inspire me and I’m really so happy that you share your music and talents and great sense of humor!
Count me in…I am a fan of your arrangements and new music. Love the format to add instruments to choral, and hear the arrangements performed. Stay with it! Bless you.
I have enjoyed your wonderful music for years. Not sure if I am already subscribed. Memory is getting fuzzy and fingers are twisted by arthritis so that I can no longer play in church. But I just love your beautiful arrangements and want to continue to watch from the sidelines. Thank you so much for sharing your marvelous talent to help build the Kingdom on earth. God Bless you.
No way I want to lose you!! I love your music.. have for years!!
Thanks for giving me an opportunity to stay in touch and receive music from you!
Thank you so much for sharing your talent with the rest of the world. We’ve used some of your songs for our Christmas program and I’ve used several of them of the years. You continue to amaze me with your wonderful talent. God bless you and your family for giving the world this beautiful music.
Thank you for providing such beautiful arrangements for us to use in our ward. You have a GREAT talent and we are so appreciative of your willingness to share. God bless you and keep up the good work.
Thank you for all the beautiful songs, I hope you may do this still many years !!
Is it possible to download more songs in one time and how to do so….
Have a nice and healthy 2020.
You’re very welcome! You can download multiple files simultaneously, but unfortunately you can’t get them all from the same page.
I subscribe to your blog, but am not a part of yahoo. However, I am so appreciative of how generous you are with your talents. Your music has blessed my life so much, and in so many ways. But let me share just one way My husband and I served a mission in the countryside of Cambodia. I taught the youth and YA your version of Come Thou Font. I loved it so much that I wanted to share it with them. Most of my dear brothers and sisters could not speak english, could not read music, and some struggled to carry a tune. But they loved that song like no other. and the spirit was so strong when they sang. Your generous sharing of your gift made it possible for so many hearts to be touched 10 years ago in far away Cambodia. And it continues to touch hearts around the world today
Thank you for sharing your incredible musical gifts and your expertise with us! You bless more lives than you will ever know. I am so grateful to you for your generosity. Our choir has been inspired and blessed as we have used your compositions and beautiful arrangements to testify in song.
You wonderful people are so nice to me! Thank you. This has been a major headache, and you’ve been… my Tylenol? … my chocolate? ๐
I donโt know what our choir would have done without your music that is on line since we didnโt have a music budget. But above all, your music has inspired us to sing beyond what we thought possible.
Thank you for sharing your talent with all of us. I’ve used it for many years. You’re much appreciated.
With the prices of other music so expensive and unaffordable for our ward, we have Sally DeFord! I am so grateful for your beautiful Christmas music. We used 4. Thank you for generously sharing your talents, Sally. Your arrangements touch congregations’ hearts. And our ward choir loves them.
Thank you so much for your beautiful music. I have used it since the beginning and have a huge notebook in separate categories. Our choir used your new Christmas song. Hard piano music, but all turned out successfully. Will use your easier song from the ensign next Christmas. Mesa 5th Ward
I love your giving heart that allows us to profit from your wonderful gift of music! Just used your arrangement of “The First Noel” in our Christmas Eve service…the piano and flute intertwined with my soprano voice was a beautifully calm yet unique arrangement of a well-known carol. Our congregation loved it! Thank you. I look forward to more soprano solos in the future. May our Lord and Savior continue to bless your talents!
Thank you for generously sharing your talent and your beautiful music. Our little church choir has enjoyed singing your pieces. May God continue to bless you in 2020!
Thanks for the updates and music!
Love your music and appreciate you sharing it. May the Lord bless you 10 fold this year!
Thank you for sharing your wonderful music! It is inspiring and lovely.
Thank you for so generously sharing your music.
thank you for all that you have done.. i have used much of your music at church and other places.. such wonderful talent..
I love your music! Please keep them coming!
i love your music!
we use many of your SATB arrangements and enjoy them.
Your Services over the years has been so helpful thank you.
Happy New Year and the best of health always.
I donโt mind different kinds of mail from you.
Our choir and congregation love your arrangements
Just to say, I love your music.
Please don’t delete me, I love your music.
Nobody is being *deleted*! Yahoo Groups is just on its way out.
I used 2 of your numbers this year in our Christmas program. I love your piano solo and use them often. Our congregation really enjoy them also.
Your talent and website is an invaluable resource for beautiful, singable-for-all-levels music. Don’t know what our Ward choir would do without you.