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A Song for Malachi, and a new flutist…

Jul 30, 2018


My 200% grandson.

He does everything twice as large, twice as loud, twice as emphatically, and twice as intensely. Which, of course, makes us love him twice as much.

Little wonder then, that his song is titled “With All My Heart,” since that’s exactly how he lives life.  It’s based on this verse:


 “O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength…”

(D&C 4:2)

You’ll notice I’ve reversed the order of “might” and “mind” in the lyrics. Believe it or not, I actually did it on purpose. 🙂

Here’s a recording, with Allyse Smith Taylor on vocals:

The music is available for solo voice with optional flute, and as a simplified children’s song.

The flute you hear in the recording is played by Mara Riley, a newcomer to the site. Not only is she an amazing flutist,* but she’s a lovely singer as well.  Here you can listen to her sing “Be Still, My Soul.”:

*(I flatly refuse to use “flautist”–it sounds too much like taquitos.)

Mara is majoring in both flute and voice, and you can see why. And yeah, you can both sing and play flute–if you record them one track at a time. 🙂

Next up… um… honestly, I have no clue. 😉

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