Fill the Well Within

Everywhere I Go

Then come what may, I’ll live with courage in my heart because I know He is with me everywhere I go.

Fill the Well Within

Created in His Image

Created in His image, His light will be my guide; A heavenly inheritance because I am His child.

Fill the Well Within

Come Unto Christ

Seek this Jesus whose mercies never cease; Come unto Christ, and find in him eternal peace.

Fill the Well Within

Come Home

Words by Penelope Moody Allen; Music by Michael F. Moody; Arranged by Sally DeFord

Fill the Well Within

Cast Your Burden on the Lord

Cast your burden on the Lord, and He will make it light; Come unto Him, ye heavy laden; find your rest in Christ.

Fill the Well Within

Built Upon the Rock

We are built upon the Rock of our Redeemer; Built upon the cornerstone of Christ.

Fill the Well Within

Born is the Light of the World

As I was looking at a beautiful painting of the Christ Child and His mother, I focused on the areas of ligh. This lyric describes that painting.

Fill the Well Within

Bless This Land

This song is a simple prayer for the blessings of God on the lands we love. Words by Sally DeFord; music by Michael F. Moody.

Fill the Well Within

Baby In a Manger

My 2007 Christmas card carol, written for my first grandson, Damien.

Fill the Well Within

In That Holy Place

There we turn our hearts to those who gave us life and birth; How beautiful that holy place where heaven dwells on earth.