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New Music: Softly, Softly

Jul 28, 2023 | Musings, new

Unlike my last offering (the grandbaby song found here) the new song this time didn’t have to languish on my computer for nearly a year. I guess miracles really do happen. 😛

The words to “Softly, Softly” came to me out of the blue one day recently, and after I managed to stop rewriting old songs (a reeeeally bad habit of mine) it came together quite quickly.

Though this song is all about prayer to our Heavenly Father, the beautiful cover art by Nancy Hilton depicts the Savior, Jesus Christ.

I have always loved the image of the Savior holding me in his arms as I pray, and I guess that’s why I chose this lovely painting.

You can see more of Nancy’s work on her website at https://hiltonartist.com/. Not only did she graciously allow me to use her work as cover art, she offers her digital files for free download on her site.


The vocals are by Rebecca Lord, with violin by Alice Hallstrom.

We’ve heard from Rebecca before, both as a vocalist and as an instrumentalist (sometimes both on the same track!), and she once again contributes her lovely voice here.

Alice is a newcomer to the site. She has done some amazing things, including playing with the Boston Pops and (my favorite) recording for… drum roll… Cartoon Network. 🙂

These two incredible sisters jumped at the chance to make music together, and I was the beneficiary. How do I run into such awesome people? It’s beyond me, but I’m blessed.

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